[ 15/07/2016 15:07 PM | Lượt xem: 334 ]

Lý thuyết về phần danh từ chúng ta đã nắm vững rồi, giờ các em cùng làm bài tập về phần này nhé:

Bài 1. Give the plural of

1. roof 11. knife

2. thief 12. bamboo

3. tray 13. piano

4. loaf 14. spy

5. ox 15. scratch

6. mouse 16. proof

7. louse 17. ass

8. half 18. donkey

9. match 19. inch

10. sheep 20. foot

Bài 2 : Which of the underlined part of these sentences is correct?

1. Your hair is/ Your hairs aretoo long. You should haveit/ themcut

2. Let me give youan advice/ a piece of advice.

3. The house is built ofstone/ stones.

4. If you want to know the news, you can readpaper/ a paper.

5. E-mail is a relative newmean/ meansof communication.

Bài 3 :Form compound nouns or word groups express the following phrases. The first one is done as an example

1. A machine for washing clothes

2. A wall made of brick

3. A room where you have meals

4. A room in which you sleep

5. A man who gets coal out of the ground

Bài 4 :Fill in the blanks with an appropriate noun. The first one is done as an example.

1. His job is to put out fires. We call him a fireman.

2. Oh dear, these’s a leak in my water pipe; I’ll have to call the _____

3. A woman becomes a _____ on her wedding-day and a _____ thereafter.

4. Josephine was a celebrated _____ of the French.

5. A man who has never been married is a _____

Bài 5 :Choose the right answer.

1. It’s important to brush your _____ at least twice a day.

a. tooth b. teeth c. tooths d. toothes

2. We have a lot of _____ near our house causing pollution.

a. factorys b. factores c. factories d. factoris

3. There are a number of interesting _____ at my party.

a. people b. persons c. peoples d. person

4. Have you ever seen the new _____ in that shop next door?

a. radioes b. radies c. radioses d. radios

5. They’ve put some lovely _____ in the city park.

a. benchs b. benchies c. benches d. bench

Cùng nhau kiểm tra phần đáp án của (đề 01) về phầndanh từcác em nhé:

Bài 1:

1. Roofs

11. Knives

2. Thieves

12. Bamboos

3. Trays

13. Pianos

4. Loaves

14. Spies

5. Oxen

15. Scratches

6. Mice

16. Proofs

7. Lice

17. Asses

8. Halves

18. Donkeys

9. Matches

19. Inches

10. Sheep

20. Feet

Bài 2:

1. Your hair is – it

2. A piece of advice

3. Stone

4. A paper

5. Means

Bài 3:

1. Washing-machine

2. Brick wall

3. Dinning –rom

4. Bedroom

5. Coal-miner

Bài 4:

1. Bài mẫu

2. Plumber

3. Bride/ wife

4. Queen

5. Bachelor

Bài 5

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c

< http://luyenthidaihoctienganh.com/bai-tap-danh-tu-de-so-01/ >

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