Đáp án về phần câu hỏi đuôi (Question Tag) trong Tiếng Anh (đề thi số 1)
[ 27/02/2018 14:39 PM | Lượt xem: 228 ]

Đáp án về phần câu hỏi đuôi (Question Tag) trong Tiếng Anh (đề thi số 1)

Cùng nhau kiểm tra phần đáp án của (đề thi số 1) phầncâu hỏi đuôi (Question Tag) trong Tiếng Anh các em nhé:

Đề thi phầncâu hỏi đuôi (Question Tag)


  1. Aren’t we
  2. Have you
  3. Aren’t you
  4. Will you
  5. Isn’t he
  6. Don’t they
  7. Do you
  8. Don’t you
  9. Hasn’t he
  10. Should I
  11. Will you
  12. Isn’t he
  13. Won’t you
  14. Wasn’t he
  15. Do they
  16. Do you
  17. Does it
  18. Shall we
  19. Are you
  20. Doesn’t he


  1. Paul doesn’t like football, does he?
  2. You’ve got a sister, haven’t you?
  3. You haven’t done your homework, have you?
  4. You sat next to Ellen, didn’t you?
  5. The guests haven’t arrived, have they?
  6. Your name is John, isn’t it?
  7. Your name isn’t John, is it?
  8. I didn’t leave my wallet on the desk, did I?
  9. William hasn’t sot married, has he?
  10. This book is by Martin Aimless, isn’t it?
< http://luyenthidaihoctienganh.com/dap-an-ve-phan-cau-hoi-duo >

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